We turn conversations into actionable insights

Our mission is to bring more understanding and follow-through to every medical conversation.

Abridge was created for everyone, with the aim to help us all get more from our medical conversations. Abridge was inspired in part by the people I’ve cared for in clinic, and by my family’s experience with a rare disease.

Shiv Rao, MD - CEO & Co-Founder


Meet the team behind Abridge.


Aditya Ekbote


I joined Abridge to deliver cutting-edge tech that empowers people to become more health literate everyday.

Anna von Reden


Working at Abridge means helping people make sense of their lives with stories, even if they're hard to tell.

Ashish Badtiya


Working at Abridge means I get to help people get the most out of every doctor visit.

Chris Renno


I’m building Abridge to improve the patient-doctor relationship.

Dan Bruce


I joined Abridge to unlock the possibilities when people are empowered with their health data.

Eileen Yan


If I could change one thing about healthcare, software would serve patient care before admin and billing.

Elisa Ferracane, PhD

Machine Learning

Working at Abridge means enabling patients to get the most out of their conversations with their doctors.

Florian Metze, PhD

CSO, Co-Founder

I joined Abridge to make sense of spoken interactions. Abridge is where the data meets the science, to make an impact on people’s lives.

Glyn Elwyn, MD, PhD

Clinical Research Advisor

I'm building a bridge between patients and clinicians, using the enormous potential of recordings to help people make better decisions.

Jitesh Middha


Working at Abridge means building technical solutions that make lives easier.

Julia Chapin


I joined Abridge to help people better understand their care and enable family to stay on the same page.

Kyle Libby


Working at Abridge means improving the quality of healthcare through creative tech solutions.

Lindsey Spellman


I joined Abridge to give people more peace of mind at every appointment.

MinSun Park


Working at Abridge means I can have ownership of my own health stories.

Nathan Price

Machine Learning

I am excited to be working on technology which can help doctors, patients, and their families!

Nimshi Venkat Meripo

Machine Learning

I joined Abridge to narrate health stories better with machine learning.

Sai Prabhakar

Machine Learning

I joined Abridge to make people's lives easier by realizing advances in AI.

Shiv Rao, MD

CEO, Co-Founder

Working at Abridge gives me the opportunity to advocate for patients the way I do at my weekly clinic, but at scale.

Steve Magoun


Working at Abridge means empowering families to care for one another.

Zack Lipton, PhD

Machine Learning Advisor

If I could, the one thing I'd change about healthcare is the extent to which it leverages patient data to drive personalized decision-making.

Want to build Abridge with us?  Join our team.


Our Guiding Principles

People’s best interests are worth fighting for, especially when it pertains to health. That’s why we’re guided by three principles to ensure that we add value to each medical conversation that takes place with Abridge.


People come first

Whether it’s in service of providers or patients, we aim to always act responsibly and to do no harm. We ask ourselves on a daily basis: is what we’re creating useful and delightful? We meet people where they are and with what they need to get the most from their conversations.


Humanity is our code

Health care is inherently human, so we build technology to improve—not replace—your existing care. We focus on using technology to bring new utility and outcomes in service of the clinician-patient relationship.


Private & secure

Trust is the most important currency to us and we strive to build trust between Abridge and anyone using our services. We hold ourselves accountable to our own Digital Hippocratic Oath and to a HIPAA-compliant data storage and processing protocol for anything captured and shared through our platform. Learn more about privacy and security at Abridge.

Ready to get more from your conversations?

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