Oct 5, 2020
Product & Design

Keep family close by with Abridge's new calling feature.

Dial your family into a doctor’s appointment, and record with Abridge.

In recent months, COVID-19 visitor restrictions have left many people without their usual support systems during medical appointments. Even in non-pandemic times, loved ones aren't always able to join patients at appointments big and small. When we can’t be present with one another, it’s even more important to find other ways to help people stay on the same page.

We’ve heard from many people who use Abridge that they’d like a way to dial in family members to appointments that they also record with Abridge — so we built it. Here’s how it works. 

Call our secure line

Call 877-ABRIDGE (877-227-4343), our secure, toll-free line. Then dial the number of the person you'd like to join the call. You’ll hear some hold music until the other person picks up.

Note that you don’t need to have the Abridge app open for this; you’ll just want to place the call from the same number you used when you signed up for Abridge. (Not sure what number you registered? You can easily check by visiting your account settings in the app menu.)

Get on speakerphone

Once you're connected, place your phone on speakerphone. Keep your phone face up, and point the microphone toward the doctor, so the other person can hear what is said. If you're not sure where your microphone is, it's usually near the bottom of your phone! This also helps make sure the transcript is high-quality.  

When your appointment is over, hang up the phone just as you would any other phone call. Abridge will automatically save and transcribe the medical parts of your conversation. You’ll see the transcript in the app, and the conversation will also be shared with the person you called via a text message, with info on how to view the conversation in the app.

And that's it! Hope this helps you bring someone with you to your appointments, even when you can't.

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The collective voice of the Abridge team.

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